The most interesting people in pets: Kerry Cooke, Founder and CEO at Spleash

The most interesting people in pets: Kerry Cooke, Founder and CEO at Spleash
Ali Rose Datukon
21 Oct

Kerry Cooke is the creator of Spleash, the patented spray leash handle for your favorite leash. Her goal is to revolutionize the way we walk our dogs.

Before making the leap into entrepreneurship with TailChasers and Spleash, Kerry spent the last 24 years in the genetic testing industry, most notably working as the Executive Field Market Development Manager for Illumina.

What is your favorite part of working in the pet space?

"My favorite part of working in the pet space is the freedom and creativity this vertical allows. Pets are inherently joyful, therefore it is a joy to serve them! I have spent much of my career working in the medical space, which is very rewarding in its own right but requires one to take everything seriously at all times. Having the opportunity to do my work while also having a good deal of fun has been a wonderful experience."

Do you have pets? Tell us about them! What do you like to do together?

"Yes, I do have pets of my own. Three dogs, Lola, Koda, and Coco. They’re a funny bunch who love to go on long walks, play keep away, and most of all, giving snuggles! Koda and Coco are both chihuahua mixes with the personalities to match, i.e. big! Lola is a black Labrador/Weimaraner mix with boundless energy and a passion for play. Taking her for daily walks is what inspired me to create Spleash!"

What have you learned most in your current role in the pet space?

"I’ve learned that education is key. When you are introducing a product to the pet space, it is integral that you focus on educating your potential customers, especially when you are introducing a new piece of technology/product that they have never encountered before, like we were. Finding the most efficient and effective way to explain your product to potential customers is an absolute must."

What's your advice to others who wants to get into the same line of work as you?

"My advice is to do your research! Market and product research before you even begin building your first prototype or preparing your first demo samples. Along with extensive research into all the steps required to get a small business off the ground. There is a lot more to do than you think! Plenty of new entrepreneurs have been thrown off by the sheer number of behind the scenes steps they needed to take. So, its important to do the research. That way you are prepared for what the future may hold! "

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