The most interesting people in pets: Jamie Keane, Founder of Be Spotted

The most interesting people in pets: Jamie Keane, Founder of Be Spotted
Ali Rose Datukon
18 Oct

Jamie Keane is a dog mom to her Lucy and the founder of Be Spotted. The goal of her company: help NYC pet parents navigate dog and cat parenthood—and connect them with local pet businesses.

What is your favorite part of working in the pet space?

"That the people I work with make the lives of both pets and humans better!"

Do you have pets? Tell us about them! What do you like to do together?

"Yes! My dog's name is Lucy. She's a mutt from Ruff House Rescue. I like to call her my brindle babe and I just love her to pieces. 💖

We love going on long walks along the water by the Seaport in Manhattan. We love to go shopping. Anytime we pass a store she starts to pull me in. This is definitely a hereditary gene.

We love going on adventures. Her favorite mode of transit is train (including the subway) and she hates cars. We love watching trashy TV like Below Deck, Love is Blind, and other shows we can watch together but don't need to focus 100% on. We love to snack. Her favorite snacks are freeze dried single ingredient treats. My favorite snacks are cookie dough, cheez-itz, pizza bagels, and chips with salsa (MILD PLEASE!)

We love to cuddle in bed. She really loves to be the little spoon. I will say I think she prefers to cuddle with my husband more as he's furry like her. If you want, people can learn more about Lucy here."

What have you learned most in your current role in the pet space?

"I've been in the pet space for about 5 years. Actually, my very first job out of school was doing events and marketing for a doggy daycare in NYC back in 2013. I had other jobs after leaving that role (the pay was not livable for NYC/moving out of my parents apartment), but in my heart I always wanted to be back in the pet industry. �

So, I launched my first pet business: Dog Spotted. The goal was to help NYC pet parents navigate pet parenthood and connect them with local pet businesses. From that experience, pet businesses like trainers, walkers, groomers, doggy daycares, vets, pet products and so many more approached me asking to help them with their marketing. And that's how my current pet business, Be Spotted, was born!

Be Spotted's goal is to teach pet business owners how to get clients and make sales on Instagram without feeling overwhelmed, burned out or without the ICK. 🤮 What I've learned most is everyone suffers from imposter syndrome. Myself included. But the thing I like to share with my clients that express feelings of imposter syndrome. "Only those that feel imposter syndrome really really care about the result they are providing their customers. No one is born knowing everything. So, I know you are working the hardest because you're fighting that feeling of imposter syndrome thus you're going to provide your customers the best experience."

What's your advice to others who wants to get into the same line of work as you?

"I think most people here are a pet business not necessarily wanting to get into pet marketing. With that, I have three pieces of advice that go together.

💳 Make sure your service or product is solving a DEEP and PAINFUL problem. The more painful the faster they will throw their credit card at you.

💬 Call out your ideal customer in your messaging (the words on your website, email newsletters and social media)

🙋🏻 With #2, be niche! The more specific you are about the problem you solve, the easier it is for people to know that you're the go-to solution for said problem. "

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