Andrea Falcon is the director of marketing of Springer. Springer is a women-owned family business led by a dynamic mother-daughter duo and the dogs who love them. Committed to elevating the standards of form and function, they unite dogs and their favorite humans to revel in their dog's favorite playground — Mother Earth.
What is your favorite part of working for a pet brand or in the pet space?
"Pet people are the best! The community is incredible and makes work so fun. I love hosting IRL events at Springer with our community and pups. It's great getting together and connecting with other pet parents in different cities around the US."
Do you have pets? Tell us about them! What do you like to do together?
"Yes! I am a proud dog mom of a 4 year old mini bernedoodle named Theodore! We love explore Brooklyn and go to Prospect Park. The dog beach there is a fav in the warmer months!"
What have you learned most in your current role in the pet space?
"Modern day pet parents are so well educated! It consistently encourages Springer to strive towards designing the absolute best and most innovative products with the highest standards. Pet parents have SO much love for their pets and really treat them like their children. We want nothing less than the best for our pets!"
What's your advice to others who wants to get into the same line of work as you?
"Have a passion for brands and storytelling! Start to learn about the people behind the brand - like the founders! There is so much to learn about why products or brands are born in the first place. It's a great exercise to do the research if you're looking to start!"
Anything else you'd like to share?
"The pet space is all about innovation and products that have yet to come to market! The pet space is constantly evolving and looking for better products and simpler solutions for the new wave of educated consumers."
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Static and dynamic content editing
Static and dynamic content editing
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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.