Episode #19:Â How Human & Animal Welfare Are Intertwined with Carol Mithers
This week on the Juniper podcast, we have journalist and author Carol Mithers speaking about her newest book, Rethinking Rescue, which explores animal welfare and social justice through the work of Lori Weise at Downtown Dog Rescue in Pasadena, California.
We discuss:
- High standards for pet ownership and the urge to judge others [3:00]
- Veterinary price inflation affecting owners’ ability to keep their pets [10:00]
- The narrative of saviorism in pet adoption [17:00]
- The benefits of breeders and finding an ethical one [27:30]
- The challenge of constructing her book’s narrative [34:00]
Tune in for a conversation about this welcome and refreshing book we couldn’t put down. Then join the Juniper Community to meet more pet parents like you!
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Highlights from the episode:
- Learning how to be a better guardian — 1:30 — We were foster failures. So I learned a lot about how to be a better dog owner and how to really love an animal by seeing it as an individual, which I don't think I ever thought about when I was young.
- Context before criticism — 5:41 — You have to think about what challenges owners face before you criticize them for being crappy owners.
- Why punish when we can help — 7:27 — An animal, as you know, is someone who loves you no matter what you look like and how much money you make, and to take that love away is really cruel if the person is trying. In our society, why do we want to punish people when we could instead be helping?
- More than dogs— 33:19 — Part of what I liked about this story was that it wasn't just about dogs. It was about people. It was about culture. It was about inequality.
- Animal and human welfare together— 36:08 — What happens to people inevitably affects what happens to animal.

Hey, pet professionals!

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