🎙 Podcast: Low-cost dog training with Ebony Richardson

🎙 Podcast: Low-cost dog training with Ebony Richardson
Haley Young
10 Mar

Episode #20: Low-Cost Dog Training, Animal Welfare & Quick Dog Training Tips

This month for our mini-episode co-host Haley is joined by former podcast guest and new Juniper team member, Ebony Richardson!

Join us as we answer questions like:

  • How can you afford dog training while also paying dog trainers well? 🦮
  • What do different careers in animal welfare look like? 🐾
  • What’s the deal with clickers & do they really work? 🧐
  • What quick things can you do to improve pet behavior? ✅

Tune in for pet tips, relatable stories, and a dose of dog lover camaraderie. Then join the Juniper Community for more!

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Highlights from the episode:

  • Compensating animal welfare workers— Ebony 3:35 — All animal welfare workers, anyone who works with animals, undoubtedly needs to get paid more. That includes trainers, vets, vet staff, kennel workers, doggy daycare. Literally if you’re working with animals you are most likely underpaid.
  • Learning from various sources— Haley 11:00 — So many concepts in the dog world and also just life at large can come from a variety of sources, and it's really easy to write off certain sources. I've definitely been guilty of this. I have in the past looked down my nose at, like, Petco and PetSmart training programs because they're big box stores. But that's completely unfair of me to do. Sometimes when we give these things a chance, it turns out, like you said, that they actually lay a really good foundation.
  • Pet parent involvement in training— Ebony 14:05 — Training is life-long, and it’s better for you to train your dog than for me to train your dog. 100%.

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