🎙️Podcast: Launching a pet brand from scratch with Ivana Tay from Playfield

🎙️Podcast: Launching a pet brand from scratch with Ivana Tay from Playfield
Allison Medina
16 Jan

Episode #5: Launching a Pet Brand from Scratch with Ivana Tay from Playfield

Ivana Tay is the founder of the pet brand Playfield and the proud steward of her soul dog Bailey.

This week she joins us to talk about how she left her job at Google to create The Bailey Kit, a multifunctional dog-walking system that makes it easy to head out on a walk anytime and anywhere.

Tune in for a plenty of inspiration to make your dog walks even better and more fun. Then join the Juniper Community to meet more dog parents like you!



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Highlights from the episode:

  • Ivana 7:40 — Connecting your everyday life with your dog — Your life with your dog is not so separate from your everyday life. I think it’s so interwoven. Bailey hardly leaves us, and we hardly leave her. So we needed things that fit seamlessly between our lifestyle and our lifestyle with Bailey
  • Ivana 11:00 — The value of community — There are so many communities out there. You just have to seek them out.
  • Ivana 16:10 — Getting to know your customers — You can’t build in a silo. You can’t just have an idea and work on and not tell anybody about it. There’s a balance where you want to make sure you get enough feedback from the right people. So not talking to friends and family, but for me, talking to dog parents. I’d go to the dog park and go up to total strangers and ask them questions about their dog.
  • Ivana 21:55 — How to test your ideas — If you have an idea, test it. Go talk to people. Go analyze and try to do it outside your own circles.
  • Ivana 24:50 — The key to success — No matter what, if you don’t give up and you’re not willing to give up, you will eventually succeed. And I really genuinely believe that. If you’re open to feedback, you’re open to pivoting, you’re open to asking for help, and you’re not stubborn about the direction you’re going in — as long as you don’t give up, you will be fine, and you will eventually be successful.


Thanks to our sponsor: Optimeal

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