🎙 Podcast: Emergency prep, vacation guilt, and playing with cats

🎙 Podcast: Emergency prep, vacation guilt, and playing with cats
Haley Young
16 Feb

Episode #18: Emergency Prep, Vacation Guilt & How to Play with (Senior) Cats

Welcome back to another mini episode of the Juniper podcast! This new format is an opportunity for the Juniper team to chat about pet trends, share advice, and answer your questions!

Join us as Allison, dog mom of Addie, and Haley, dog mom of Scout answer questions like:

  • What does emergency prep look like for pet owners? 🚨
  • How do we deal with vacation guilt when leaving pets behind? 🏝
  • What are our approaches to using pet sitters or boarding facilities? 🦮
  • Why is it important to rotate your pet’s favorite toys? 🎾
  • What about toys for cat enrichment? 🐈
  • Which toys are good for senior pets? 🤔

Tune in for pet tips, relatable stories, and a dose of cat and dog lover camaraderie. Then join the Juniper Community for more!

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Highlights from the episode:

  • Vacation guilt — Allison 6:52 — I'm planning a couple trips for 2025, and I've had moments where I'm like, do I even wanna go on this trip? Like, trips of a lifetime that I've been planning and wanting to do my whole life, simply because I don't wanna leave my dog and my ca—but especially my dog because we do so much every day. And I don't wanna leave my cat because he's a senior and he needs me and he gets a bunch of meds, and so it's so hard to leave them.
  • Healthy time apart — Haley 8:26 — Sometimes I remind myself that a little bit of time apart is really healthy because Scout is my whole life, basically. And I love that. I've done that on purpose. I adore her. But I also take better care of her when I'm taking really good care of myself. And sometimes, I do benefit from a little bit of space and some reminders of other things that I enjoy outside of just nerding out about dogs. And I feel like that can energize me and make me better for her when I return.
  • What our pets think — Allison 9:53 — Something that drives me crazy is not knowing, like, what do they know and what do they think when we're gone? You know, you they can smell how long you've been gone and then all of that. But, like, do they just adapt? You know, sometimes I just have to remind myself, these are animals. They are adaptable, and we should give them opportunities to exercise that adaptability and be away from us.
  • Thoughtful planning — Haley 11:31 — When we can find ways of planning that make us feel really good about what we're asking our dogs to handle within the capabilities that they have as an individual, it lets us relax a little bit more.

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