Episode #2:Â Dog Dreams vs. Dog Reality

Welcome to the Juniper podcast! In our second episode you’ll meet the Juniper crew — Allison, dog mom of Addie, and Haley, dog mom of Scout — as we unpack the juicy question:
Dog dreams vs Dog Reality?
Tune in for a dog-walk-length dose of camaraderie. You can listen to the full episode on  Apple, Spotify or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.
Stream The Podcast Here:
Highlights from the episode:
- Haley 00:45 — Loving your dog for who they are — When I first adopted Scout, I thought that if I worked hard enough and trained her well enough, then I could make her into anything. And that’s a really nice idea, and it’s not completely not true … but I can’t fundamentally change who my dog is. She’s not a robot that I’m programming.
- Allison 3:38 — Letting go of naiveté and embracing dog training — I was so naive. I was like “dogs! they’re cool. they hang out. they sit.” I understood naively that there were some dogs that have challenges, but I thought they were extreme cases. But no, with most dogs you’re going to have to do some level of training and adjust your expectations.
- Haley 12:38 — Puppy blues — I think sometimes the puppy blues come from understanding that you’ve committed to this creature, and sometimes a sense of feeling a little trapped or worried that you’ve made this decision that feels irreversible and is shaking up your whole life.
Thanks to our sponsor:Â Optimeal
🦴 We love Optimeal and we think your dog will too. Get 20% off their natural pet food with the code 20JuniperPet or at this link.

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