🎙 Podcast: Canine enrichment beyond toys & treats with Taylor Finton

🎙 Podcast: Canine enrichment beyond toys & treats with Taylor Finton
Haley Young
16 Feb

Episode #17: Canine Enrichment Beyond Toys & Treats with Taylor Finton

Welcome back to the Juniper podcast! Today, Haley’s talking to canine enrichment aficionado Taylor Finton, the voice behind the popular social media account, Bindi's Bucket List.

We’re so excited to talk to Taylor about her new book, The Happiest Dog on the Block. In this episode, we discuss:

  • How enrichment depends on each dog [6:15]
  • Providing excitement for your dog beyond food [8:00]
  • How enrichment, routine and giving your dog more choices can address “bad” behaviors [19:30]
  • Taylor’s current top enrichment go-tos

Tune in to hear about accessible, easy things to do at home that will make your dog the happiest on the block! Then join the Juniper Community to meet more pet parents like you.


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Highlights from the episode:

  • Curiosity — 2:23 — I think curiosity is such a great element to have with our dogs, because we wanna be curious of the best things we can do for them.
  • What enrichment means — 3:54 — Enrichment is such a large umbrella that it can mean different things to different people and also different things to different dogs. So for me, canine enrichment is one of those things that just taps into these innate needs that our dogs have. It’s essentially providing them safe, happy outlets that let our dogs be dogs.
  • Fear and stress — 15:41 — Enrichment can help mitigate fear, anxiety, and stress in things like nail trims, bath times, helping your dog work through these negative emotions that they might be having and creating a more positive atmosphere where your dog can feel okay to work through things.
  • Canine communication — 20:01 — Our dogs show us when they need something. They can't talk with us, but they're gonna tell us in their own way when they need something. And providing these outlets for dogs is a great way for them to partake in their behaviors in a safe and monitored way so that they're not feeling the need to go and do these behaviors elsewhere.
  • Accessible information — 25:29 — That's kind of what my page originally started as, as a way for people to find these accessible, easy things to do at home because I was trying to do them too.


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