🎙️Podcast: Make your own dog food with Nicole Marchand of Dog Child

🎙️Podcast: Make your own dog food with Nicole Marchand of Dog Child
Ali Rose Datukon
16 Jan

Episode #9: Make Your Own Dog Food with Nicole Marchand of Dog Child


Do you want to cook for your dog at home, but worry that the recipes will be too complicated or lack essential nutrients? Meet Nicole Marchand. She solved that problem when she founded Dog Child, the leading recipe community for dog parents.

Today Nicole is here to share what inspired her to start Dog Child (spoiler, it was her dog!) and why she’s passionate about helping us all feel more confident about cooking for our fur babies.

We also chat about:

  • The benefits of adding whole foods to your dog’s diet
  • Getting over the intimidation factor
  • Why making your own treats is a great place to start
  • Nicole’s journey from investor to founder
  • How Nicole grew the Dog Child community to 250,000+ dog parents
  • And more!

Psst! We collaborated with Dog Child to create a guide with 7 easy homemade dog treat recipes— grab it HERE!


Stream The Podcast Here:


Highlights from the episode:

  • 3:28 — Simple, applicable advice — We don't try and preach, like, you have to feed your dog completely home cooked or you're a bad dog parent. We try and explain that even a little bit of fresh food can go a really long way in your dog's diet. So if that means, like, adding some blueberries to your dog's food or adding a little bit of yogurt, like, that can really help them long term. So we try and be, you know, really open, friendly, and sharing simple nutrition tips than rather than complicating it.
  • 10:12 — Nutrition as part of overall health — If you're not feeling well yourself or you go and see your doctor and you have a health ailment, they're generally gonna tell you to eat whole fresh foods. And so you just, like, have to take that same logic towards your dog, and that holds true. Right? Your doctor's gonna encourage you to eat salads, vegetables, fruits. So the same holds true with our dogs.
  • 11:32 — No single right way — There's a lot of ways to feed your dog a healthy meal. Just like, once again, going back to us, I'm sure I eat very differently than you do or my neighbor does or other people do. So there are many ways to feed a dog, and there's not necessarily one right way. You have to figure out what works for your dog just like you figure out what works for you.

Thanks to our sponsor: Optimeal

🦴 We love Optimeal and we think your dog will too. Get 20% off their natural pet food with the code 20JuniperPet or at this link.

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