🎙️Podcast: Antiracism & Animal Advocacy with Kassidi Jones

🎙️Podcast: Antiracism & Animal Advocacy with Kassidi Jones
Allison Medina
25 Sep

Episode #6: Antiracism & Animal Advocacy with Kassidi Jones

Kassidi Jones is a first-time dog mom, social justice advocate, Ph.D. candidate, and the content creator behind @gingers_naps. And Ginger is her three-year-old mixed breed pup!

This week Kassidi is here to share her journey with Ginger and to teach us about antiracist animal advocacy, including:

  • Hard truths about racism in the pet industry
  • Bias in animal rescue
  • The Pet POC Directory
  • How Kassidi approaches the content she creates
  • Critter Fixers
  • Racist and classist origins of pitbull hate
  • And more!

Tune in for a dog-walk-length dose of antiracist pet education. Then join the Juniper Community to meet more dog parents who want to make the world a better place for humans and animals!


Stream The Podcast Here:


Highlights from the episode:

  • Kassidi 12:00 — Supporting human & animals — I love how passionate people are about animal work, animal welfare, and animal rescue. And I just think about how beautiful the world could be if we could apply that same passion and energy to our fellow human beings who could also use our help.
  • Kassidi 13:20 — Racism in animal rescue & pet adoption — The mission needs manpower, and we’re cutting out a lot of it by saying that only affluent white people are allowed to participate, only mid-class white families are allowed to adopted. There are a lot more homes in the world. And a lot more animals that need homes would have homes if we would open our minds and our hearts to people that look like me. If we bring them into the fold, then we do more of the animal-saving work that we’re looking to do.


Thanks to our sponsor: Optimeal

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