Enrichment activities keep our pets happy!
We all want our dogs to be satisfied with their lives—and able to settle without barking out the windows or chewing our belongings. Effective enrichment (also called "biological fulfillment") achieves both goals.
But it can be hard to know what activities are best for each dog. Not every pup enjoys the same things. When we only have limited time in a day, we want to maximize our efforts.
Is a neighborhood walk the best use of your morning? Should you try a different game? Maybe a training session? We're here to help!
If your dog loves to chase...
- Tempt them with a flirt pole (like a large cat toy, here's a favorite recommendation)
- Chase each other around the yard (we recommend teaching your pup a cue to start and stop this game so they know running away from you is only okay during play)
- Play fetch games (you can roll toys across the ground to better simulate the experience of chasing prey)
If your dog loves to run…
- Provide safe off-leash time in a designated area
- Experiment with bikejoring, canicross, or other sport variations
If your dog loves to sniff…
- Go on “sniffari” walks where they’re allowed to investigate the environment
- Play nosework games like searching for hidden treats around the house
- Bring them different objects from outside your home (even simple things like sticks and rocks) to sniff when you get back
If your dog loves to eat…
- Make food puzzles, either DIY or from a toy company (SodaPup enrichment toys are some of our favorites — use this link and pop in code JUNIPER10 to get 10% off of your order!)
- Change up their diet with dog-friendly treats, like fruits and vegetables
If your dog loves a challenge…
- Play puzzle games, either DIY or from a toy company
- Create obstacle courses in your house or yard
- Dabble in a dog sport like rally or agility
- Teach new tricks
If your dog loves being with you…
- Spend dedicated time together with no distractions (okay, you can take a photo if you must… but that’s it!)
- Engage in social play, with or without a toy
- Experiment with gentle canine massage
Want to learn more about enrichment?
We've put together a longer guide with some ins and outs of fulfilling your dog. Take a look here (and check out the other freebies while you're at it)!
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