A few of my favorite things featuring Peach

A few of my favorite things featuring Peach
Ali Rose Datukon
16 Jan

Peach is from Pittsburgh living her best life with her mom, Stephanie. Here are a few of her favorite things! You can find Peach on Instagram at @peachthegsp.

What is your favorite free thing to do with Peach?

Dogs are curious about their surroundings, and seeing them explore a new place is so rewarding for me. I love finding new parks, trails, or other dog-friendly areas to explore.

I enjoy doing this because it offers so many benefits at no financial cost. Taking a break from the typical spots I visit to try a new place presents an opportunity for training, such as exposure, socialization, or practicing commands under distracting circumstances, and offers new mental and physical stimulation for my dog.

What are your favorite things that you've purchased for Peach?

There are a lot of great brands out there, but in the most important areas, there are several I strongly recommend and enjoy.

Favorite diet and food

I can see every ingredient. Maev delivers raw, frozen ready to eat food (that can be thawed if you choose to) that is 100% USDA-Certified, Vet-Formulated, AAFCO-Compliant, Human-Grade, and Made in the USA. It is convenient, high quality food and offers excitement and health benefits. Promo code peach20 will save 20% off your first order.

Cozy dog bed

Snoozer Pets the cozy cave! And quality and variety of product offerings Snoozer Pets offers beds, crate beds, and car seats/beds. Most of their products are sewn by hand in the US and most ship for free! Promo code peach10 will save 10% on any order.

Quality leashes and collars

I have a few I love! The Cookies & Co makes high quality biothane collars, leashes, etc. a portion of sales goes to rescues. Gianni Cooling makes unique leather collars, leashes, etc. Dogged offers a variety of products and treats and toys from their own brand and also supports others and offers highly functional gear for a huge range of activities.

If you could tell new dog parents one thing, what would it be?

To be patient and to embrace the hard parts because they’re a part of the process. You’ll learn as much about yourself from your dog as they’ll learn from you. To give them the effort and attention they deserve. To be consistent and develop a routine. And their companionship will be the best reward.

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