A few of my favorite things featuring Moose

A few of my favorite things featuring Moose
Ali Rose Datukon
16 Jan

Moose is a Vizsla living a silly life with his mom Kelly in Missouri. Kelly was kind enough to share a few of his favorite things with us! You can find Moose on Instagram at @moosegoose314

What is your favorite free thing to do with Moose?

I love going for car rides with Moose, especially on sunny days. I’ll roll the window down and he sticks his head out, and his ears just flap in the wind along to the beat of whatever song is playing in the car.

What are your favorite things that you've purchased for Moose?

Honestly, a professional trainer that has experience with the breed.

There are a lot of bird dog accounts on instagram that highlight their goofy, loving, and affectionate personalities—but not so much their challenges (I too, can be guilty of this). While owning any dog is a responsibility, some breeds—like working or sporting—take a little more dedication and time.

Moose is my first Vizsla, and I was way out of my depth when it came to training. There were days I thought I had made a huge mistake, and I would never be able to handle such a high energy, mischievous breed. But hiring a trainer with experience training bird dogs really helped me navigate the complexities of having my first Vizsla puppy.

If you could tell new dog parents one thing, what would it be?

Social media isn’t real and doesn’t highlight the struggles that people often encounter with their dogs (experienced owners or new). It helps to find a profile or community that is honest and transparent about challenges that people experience raising their puppers. Be open minded and also aware that what works for someone else’s dog may not work for yours, and that is okay.

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