Jackson lives in South New Jersey with her mom Ciara Dickinson, who is your self-proclaimed black health and wellness groomer bestie. Ciara's small business, Pop-up Pooch Spa, helps dog parents keep their pups clean by bringing the salon right to their front door. She was kind enough to share some of her and Jackson's favorite things with us!
What is your favorite free thing to do with Jackson?
We love to go hiking, but at a huge unleashed dog park that doubles as nature trails and a large lake behind it. We'll walk around this park a couple of times, meeting other dogs and owners along the way. Then we leave the dog area to walk the trails and finally make it to the lake.
Jackson doesn't go into the water but he does put his little feet in just enough for them to get wet. When I bring my mom's dog with us, he dives right in and I'm always prepared with towels in my truck.
It's nice for me too because there's a bench at the lake where I can rest and enjoy the scenery while the dogs do their own thing. It's a win win!
What are your favorite things that you've purchased for Jackson?
So I don't buy them per se, but I sell baked dog treats that have natural limited ingredients. One is small dog bones with peanut butter and blueberries. The other is chewie balls with chicken and sweet potato. My dog loves them both! You can check them out for yourself on our website.
If you could tell new dog parents one thing, what would it be?
I have two:
Train your pup as soon as possible.
Start at home with easy commands and how to act when company comes over.
Start grooming right away.
The second thing I would say is grooming at an early age or as soon as you get your adopted pup is highly important. As a dog groomer I find most dogs don't enjoy grooming. I think that's often because pet parents haven't practiced at home with touching their dogs feet, having loud tools around, or having them stand on flat surfaces for an extended period of time to get them used to going to the groomers. They will be groomed for the rest of their lives and it's beneficial for the pet, the pet parent, and the groomer if they get used to it early on.
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