A few of my favorite things featuring EIGHT rescue dogs

A few of my favorite things featuring EIGHT rescue dogs
Ali Rose Datukon
16 Jan

Stacy is mom to eight rescued dogs named Stanley, Sita, Sherry, Sunny, Habib, Leela, Chewie, and Zelda. Here are few of their furry family's favorite things! You can find Mighty Tiny Rescues on Instagram @mighty_tiny_ rescues.

What is your favorite free thing to do with your dogs?

We all go out as a family and enjoy the sunlight in the backyard. It’s a special moment for the dogs to relax in the sun, play with their toys, and get some healthy exercise.

What are your favorite things that you've purchased for Stanley, Sita, Sherry, Sunny, Habib, Leela, Chewie and Zelda?

Every month we get a subscription from BarkBox for the pack. It’s an exciting day from the moment the box arrives. Each box has two unique toys and two special treats. Stanley inspects each new toy first before the rest of the crew joins in on the fun!

If you could tell new dog parents one thing, what would it be?

I would tell new dog parents the best thing you can do is to be patient. It will take some time to understand your dog's personality and adorable quirks. Dogs need time to adjust to their surroundings and routines. I promise with patience, bringing a new family member into your life will have a positive and everlasting effect.

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